31. Sharing your faith



A. Introduction


Evangelism, or the saving of souls, is not the responsibility of the evangelist only, but the responsibility of each and every believer. Those of the five-fold ministry, the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are for the equipping of the saints for the work of service (Eph. 4:10-13). Furthermore, 1Pet. 2: 9 declares, that all believers are a royal priesthood. This means, that each of us is to be ministering, and not just the leaders. Our priestly duty is to proclaim the gospel of God (Rom.15:16).



B. The need to reach out with the Gospel


2Pet. 3: 9  -  God desires for every single person to come to repentance.


Matt. 9: 35-38  -  The harvest is vast, and people are harassed and helpless, without a shepherd. For this we need God to break our heart for the lost.


Rom.10:14,15  -  God has chosen us, through whom He might take the gospel to the world.


1Cor.1: 21  -  …..God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. Through the preaching of the gospel the Kingdom is extended.


2Cor. 5:17-21  -  All believers, upon becoming Christians, have been given the message of reconciliation. We are to be Christ’s ambassadors, showing people how to be reconciled back to God through Jesus Christ.



C. The message we preach


The gospel is a message of reconciliation (2Cor. 5:17-21) .

We are to preach Christ crucified (1Cor.1: 22-25).

The testimony of our salvation is powerful (Rev.12:11); we, therefore, need to use it to reach out with God’s love.

The gospel is a message of God’s love for mankind, expressed through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross (Jhn.3:16).

There is no other gospel or name by which salvation comes (Acts 4 : 8-12); Jhn.14: 6  -  Jesus said…..I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.



D. Challenges and promises from God’s Word


Acts 1: 8  -  We receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us (baptism and infillings), so that we will be God’s witnesses.

All believers are called to a life of fruitfulness as reproductivity (Jhn.15:1-8).

Three of the gospels, the Synoptic Gospels, commission us to reach out, making disciples of all nations: Matt. 28:18-20, Mc.16:15-18, Luke 24: 45-49.



E. The power of the Gospel


When Jesus came proclaiming the Kingdom of God, He came teaching, preaching and healing (Matt. 9: 35). There was a demonstration of God’s power.

Similarly, we are commanded to go and preach, and we will see an outworking of God’s power (Matt.10: 5-8, Luke 9:1, 10:1-4, 17: 21).

Paul attests to the fact, that God’s gospel is a gospel of a demonstration of the Spirit’s power (1Cor. 2: 4, 5,  4: 20).

The power of the gospel is in God, pouring out His power:

                Zec. 4: 6;

                1Cor. 3: 5-8:

       the Holy Spirit convicts people, not us (Jhn.16: 5-11);

       our rejoicing should not be in our ability, but in our salvation (Luke 10:17-20).

                Mc.16: 20.



F. Practical part


F.1 Evaluate the situation


                Where is the person at?

                What kind of conversation does the opportunity afford itself?

                What are the apparent felt needs of the person?


A person generally wants to know:

                they’re being considered;

                they’re being heard;

                what you’re saying is relevant to them.



F. 2 Remember some basic principles


The gospel is good news! It’s not something you need to apologise for or make excuses about. Be enthusiastic and confident. It’s not about the amount of information you can share, but the quality of our relationship with Jesus.

Jhn. 6: 44  -  salvation is primarily the work of God.

Jhn.16: 8  -  the Holy Spirit brings conviction.

We don’t do the work. People are born-again through the drawing of the Father, the completed work of Jesus at Calvary and the washing of rebirth by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3: 4-7).

Your function is to create the right environment to enable or affect a meeting between God and the person. Be friendly, and not pushy or nosy. Be there to help them.



F. 3 Have a clear outline of what to say


                Be led by the Holy Spirit on the day, always having a clear idea what salvation is all about.

                Five laws of persuasion  -  Jhn. 4: 6-26  -  attention, interest, desire, conviction, close.

                Always remember: the goal we have in witnessing must be the same as God’s  -  drawing people into personal relationship with Him. Don’t get sidetracked by distracting topics, points or circumstances.

                Usually break the ice with a leading question, e.g. How are you? Is everything okay? Are you able to cope by yourself at the moment? Or: If I asked you “how could you find God?”, what would you tell me?


Having a basic/working knowledge of the four spiritual laws:

Law 1  -  God loves you and has a plan for your life  -  Jhn.3:16, 10:10.

Law 2  -  Man is sinful and separated from God  -  Rom. 3: 23. Man was created for fellowship with God, but his selfish rebellion and self-will block this because of the presence of sin. See also: Rom. 6: 22, 23 and Heb.12:14.

Law 3  -  Jesus is God’s only way of provision for man’s sin  -  Rom. 5: 8, Jhn.14: 6.

Law 4  -  We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour  -  Rev. 3: 20, Jhn.1:12, Eph. 2: 8, 9.



F. 4 Be sensitive to God and the person


                see, if the time’s right for a commitment to Jesus or if more time needs to be taken first;

                don’t rush or pressure people;

                don’t avoid what needs to be said;

                don’t attempt to answer questions where you’re guessing;

                walk in love and in real concern for the person;

                remember, that you have to earn the right for people to open up to you;

                God goes with you every time, and He is pleased with your efforts;

                don’t want to die after a rejection  -  discouragement isn’t from God;

                always pray and wait for God’s leading;

                have faith, and be exited about Jesus.



F. 5 Prayer


If the opportunity is right, and they have expressed a desire to be born again, lead the person(s) concerned in the sinner’s prayer (see Bible study II  -  The Gospel of Jesus Christ, heading Prayer).

After the sinner’s prayer pray for him, her or them; pray for God’s guidance, blessing and grace upon their lives.



F. 6 Follow-up


Our command is to make disciples, not converts.

Therefore, we have a responsibility to ensure, that the new convert is discipled into the life of the church, and is being taught the foundational principles of faith from God’s Word.