44. Deliverance  -  V



Occult check list


Use a marking pen to underline (or mark) any area in which you or your parents or ancestors have been involved:


                Have you been into witchcraft, kabbala, magic (not sleight of hand), blood subscriptions, black magic (invoking hidden powers for bad ends), hypnosis (whether magical or medical  -  it is dangerous), mental suggestion, mesmerism, self-hypnosis (self-induced trance states), Gypsy curses put on you (death, injury or calamity), Pk (parakineses  -  control of objects by the power of the mind and will), Tk (telekineses  -  objects move around the room, instruments play, engines start, etc.), black mass, or do you carry an ankh (a cross with a ring top, used in satanic rites and very dangerous)?


                Have you taken part with ouija boards, planchette (glass on the table), seances, mediums, floating trumpets, disembodied voices, etc., or consulted people who have clairvoyance (the ability to see objects or events spontaneously and supernormally beyond the natural range of vision  -  second sight), or clairaudience (ability to hear voices and sounds supernormally, spirited voices alleging to be that of dead people giving advice or warnings)?


                Have you been engaged in activities involving mind reading, ESP (extra sensory perception), mental telepathy, thought transference, dream interpretation (as with the Edgar Cayce book), eckenkar or mind dynamics (Silva mind control) or touch for health, or dungeons and dragons?


                Have you been into fortune telling by palm reading, tea leaf readings, phrenology (reading character or one’s fortune by the conformations of a person’s skull), crystal ball, cartomacy (using playing-cards), tarot cards (22 picture cards for fortune telling), handwriting analysis, numerology (reducing the letters of one’s name to numbers), astrology and horoscopes, psychometry (telling fortunes by lifting or holding an object belonging to the enquirer), transcendental meditation?


                Have you tried or practised divining, dowsing or witching for water, minerals, underground cables, or finding out the sex of an unborn child using a divining-rod, pendulum, twig or planchette? Also, the use of the pendulum, divining-rod or a mechanical pendulum, called a motor skopua, for diagnosing illness and its treatment by colour therapy (using coloured threads) and “screening” (using copper coils, etc.)?


                Have you sought healing through magic practises using charms, and charming for wart removal, death magic (where the name of the sickness plus a written spell is cast into a coffin or grave), acupuncture, acupressure, conjuration (summoning up a spirit by incantation), psychic healing, psychic surgery, concept therapy or the use of a trance condition, or clairsentience (supernatural sense perception), iridology (eye diagnosis to diagnose illnesses), sonarpuncture, radionics, astrologic medicine, chromotherapy, sound therapy, orgonomy?


                Have you participated in levitation (body lifting by demonic power), table tipping, spirit knocking, rappings or automatic (spirit) writing, Halloween parties?


                Have you been involved in yoga (exercises and meditation), karate, kung-fu, aikido judo (martial arts), out-of-the-body (astral) travel of the soul?


                Have you been trusting in amulets (tiger’s claws, shark’s tooth, horse shoe over the door), mascots,  talisman (magic picture), letters (occult) of protection, zodiac charms (birthdates) to compensate for lack of faith in God, pagan fetishes (objects charged with magical powers and carried about as a means of protection or luck), pagan religious objects, relics and artefacts which have been used in pagan temples or (pagan) religious rites (can be unknown to the owner, a focal point for evil influences in one’s home; should be burnt), omens, significant days, moon-mancy, chain letters, numerical symbolism (all these things exercise an occult superstitious bondage over many lives, and should be dealt with!)?


                Have you been on hallucinogenic drugs (LSD), heroin, marijuana, cocaine or sniffing thinners (some paintings, posters, etc., done under hallucinogenic stimulus, can be oppressive and evil)?


                Have you been into heavy metal or punk rock (e.g. Santana, Hendricks, Joplin, Deep Purple , Kiss, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, etc.) or in the Jonothan Livingstone Seagull sound track cult (such records should be destroyed)?


                Have you visited pagan rites, such as Voodoo (West Indies), Sing Sings (New Guinea), Corroborees (Australia, Aboriginals), Fire walking (Fiji, India), Umbahda and Macumba (Brazi), etc., or shows by Uri Geller or Matthew Manning, demonstrating psychic powers?


                Do you possess occult literature, in  particular such books as “The 6th and 7th Book of Moses”, “The Book of Venus”, “The Other Side”, “The Greater World”, the pseudo-Christian works of Jacob Lorber, and other works by authors like Edgar Cayce, Jean Dixon, Ruth Montgomery, Arthur Ford, Anton Le Vay, Denis Wheatley, Eckhart and Johann Greber (such books should be burnt, regardless of cost  -  Acts 19:19)?


                1Tim. 4:1 says - …..the Spirit explicitly says, that in latter times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. The following is a list of cults and non-Christian religions which fall in these catagories: Jehovah’s Witnesses (Dawn Bible Students), Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints), Herbert W. Armstrong (Worldwide Church of God), Children of God, The Unification Church (Moonies, One World Crusade), Unitarian Church, Christadelphians, Freemasonry, Spiritualism, Scientology, Christian Science, Rangatuism, Religious Science, Anthroposophy, Theosophy, Rosecrucianism, Inner Peace Movement, Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, Eastern religions (Hare Krishna, Transcendental Meditation, Gurus, Divine Light Mission, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Confucianism, Bahai, and Japanese Flower Arranging, which is sun worship).


                Do you hold resentments toward any person or persons, or are there people in your family or elsewhere with whom you have bad relationships?


                From what you know of  your family background, have any of your parents, grandparents, or maybe great-grandparents, been involved in occult skills and activities?

       Will you submit to Jesus Christ for Him to be your Saviour, your Master and your Deliverer?

       Will you renounce Satan and all his works of darkness in your life?

       Will you renounce all rebellion and resentments?

       Will you renounce every cult that denies the Blood of Jesus?

       Will you renounce all psychic and occult abilities, and allow Christ to take them out of your life?

       Will you renounce the heresy of reincarnation and every philosophy which denies the Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ?

       Will you forgive everyone against whom you have held bitterness and resentments (this is not for their sakes, but for your sake  -  God will help you, if you are really willing)?



Dear heavenly Father,

I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I confess, that Jesus Christ came, born of a virgin, that He died on the cross in my place, that He shed His precious blood, so that all my sins could be washed away, and that I could be healed in body, soul and spirit.

I believe He rose from the dead on the third day and is seated at the right hand of God.

I confess all of my sins (name them!).

I specifically renounce all of the following involvements on my own part or my parents’ or ancestors’ part in respect of the occult (name every one of the involvements you marked or underlined in the above list!).

I specifically renounce these involvements in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I turn from them absolutely and renounce everything of the occult.

I forgive my parents, I honour my parents, and I renounce their sins and the sins of my ancestors.

Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit.

I believe, that I am redeemed, cleansed, sanctified and justified through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Thank You, Father, thank You, Lord Jesus, thank You, Holy Spirit.
